


  • Election shall be conducted for electing Executive committee and governing body of the samithi.
  • The person acting as president of the samithi shall conduct the elections and as soon as new president is elected , he shall take the chair and conduct election for the rest of the office bearers.
  • All the chief patron members with executive committee membership, the chief patron members with executive committee membership and hereditary rights and the representatives of the corporate bodies shall directly become the executive committee members without any election.
  • The rest of the executive committee members shall be elected by the ordinary members, life members, patron members and chief patron members of the samithi. The proportion of these members shall be among the members present in person and not from the total number of the samithi.
  • One member for every 25 ordinary members of the samithi who have been continuously paying their membership fee for three years.
  • One member for every 10 life members of the samithi.
  • One member for every 3 patron members of the samithi.
  • One member for every 2 chief patron members of the samithi.
  • The term of the elected executive committee members shall be a period of two years from the date of election.
  • The secretary/acting president/ incharge shall convene a meeting for the election of the executive committee members two weeks before the expiration of the term of the office. He shall prepare a list of valid voters and put it on the notice board at least two weeks before the meeting to elect the executive committee members and office bearers. No new members shall be admitted after the valid list of voters is published on the notice board before the election.
  • There shall be one proposer and a seconder for every nomination for the office bearers. The proposer and seconder shall be the members of the samithi.
  • If there is a contest to any office bearer poll shall be taken by the secretary, if there is no contest the candiate shall be declared to have been duly elected to the office. If there is a consent the votes shall be counted immediately and the candiate polled majority votes shall be declared elected.
  • The candiate shall give consent orally for his nomination if he is present and if is absent his consent shall be in writing addressed to the secretary for filling nomination.
  • The executive committee shall elect the governing body among its member for a team period of 2 years.
  • The office bearers shall be elected by the executive committee members of the samithi convented by the samithi for that purpose within 24 hours of their election at the end of every 2 years during the months of june/july.
  • The elected governing body members shall co-opt 10 members from any members of the samithi as co-opted members of the governing body for a term of two years.
  1. The vacancy of any office bearer by reason death , resignation or other wise shall be filled up within 30 days of occurrence by the executive committee.
  2. Any member of the governing body shall be removed by the executive committee by simple majority if such members acts adverse to the interests of the samithi.
  3. The president, secretary and treasurer shall not be elected for more than two terms unless unanimously requested by the executive committee.